A migraine headache is usually an intense, throbbing pain on one, or sometimes, both sides of the head. About three out of four people who have migraines are women.
What are Migraine symptoms?
- Migraine headcahes are recurrent headaches which attack more than 5 times a year
- Pain which lasts for 4-72 hours.
- Migraine has one sided sometimes both sided headache
- Generally associated with nausea, vomiting
- Patient will have inability to withstand light and sound.
- Patient feels hammering pain which intensifies with increased physical activity.
Why Migraine Headache is More seen in women ?
Migraine is primarily a female disorder. Menarche, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause, as well as the use of hormonal contraception and hormone replacement therapy, may all have an impact on migraine occurrence. Migraine typically begins after menarche, is more common in the days preceding or during menstruation, and improves during pregnancy and menopause. These variations are caused by changes in oestrogen levels, which have an effect on cellular excitability or cerebral vasculature.
It has been observed that puberty and menopause are the time periods most associated with migraines in women; up to 70% of female migraine cases report a menstrual association with their headaches. Menstrual migraines are said to last longer, be more painful, and be more resistant to treatment than non-menstrual migraines.
Changes in hormones could be among the reasons women have more headaches than men do.
Hormone levels fluctuate for a number of reasons. However, the most dramatic hormone fluctuations occur:
- Before menstruation. To prepare your uterus for menstruation, oestrogen levels drop shortly before you get your period. That drop may contribute to migraine headaches.
- During pregnancy. Your oestrogen level rises quickly, particularly in the first trimester, to help the uterus and placenta better transfer nutrients and support the development of your baby.
- After giving birth. After delivering your baby, your level of oestrogen drops because it is no longer needed to support a pregnancy.
- During perimenopause and menopause. As your body reduces ovarian functions , it undergoes fluctuations in hormone levels changing oestrogen levels in the body
- If you are taking oral contraceptives. Certain medications can alter your hormone levels.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Migraine headache
People tend to neglect migraine in initial stages as they just take over the counter pain killers & pills. General current available treatment is only temporary in the form of pain killers but prolonged use of pain killer will also cause migraine along with its side effects.
Migraine treatment in Ayurveda is stated as Ardhavabedhaka that defines one-sided pain which is intense and piercing in nature. In Ayurveda, Migraine dominated with Vata-Pitta Dosha patient may have intense pain feel Redness and Burning sensation in the eyes. Generally migraine is associated with previous history of acidity, digestive issues .
Migraine Ayurveda treatment can be accomplished through the management of:
- Samshodhana (Panchakarma-Bio-purificatory techniques)
- Kaya virechana (therapeutic purgation),
- Pathya ahara (regulated diet)
- Vihara (regulated lifestyle)
At Shathayu Ayurveda with its continuous research & development (R&D) came out with Simple therapies and 120 days medication to completely manage migraine Combination of therapies,Medicines,Certain diet changes and lifestyle changes are needed for treating migraines
Come experience a new way of Ayurveda treatment of Migraine headaches.
Consult our doctor– Get insights no how migraine is affecting you (what stage/nature of migraine) and Ayurveda effectively can help you treat migraine