On a very simple level, your weight depends on the number of calories you consume, how many of those calories you store, and how many you burn up. But each of these factors is influenced by a combination of genes and environment.
There are people who can eat all the junk and whatever else they want and still not gain weight (The lucky ones!). At the other extreme are people who seem to gain weight no matter how little they eat.
There are a number of factors that influence weight gain, viz-
- The calorie equation– if you consistently burn all of the calories that you consume in the course of a day, you will maintain your weight.
- Genetic influences– Genes contribute to the causes of obesity in many ways, by affecting appetite, satiety (the sense of fullness), metabolism, food cravings, body-fat distribution, and the tendency to eat as a way to cope with stress.
- Environmental causes- Many features of modern life promote weight gain. In short, today’s “obesogenic” environment encourages us to eat more and exercise less.
- The food factor- Not surprisingly, we’re eating more high-calorie foods (salty snacks, soft drinks, burgers, pastries, pizza and what not!), which are much more readily available than lower-calorie choices like salads and whole fruits.
- The exercise equation- Many people drive to work and spend much of the day sitting at a computer terminal. Because we work long hours, we have trouble finding the time to go to the gym, play a sport, or exercise in other ways.
- TV & Sedentary snacking- The average hour-long TV show features about 11 food and beverage commercials, which encourage people to eat. Studies prove that consuming food and simultaneously watching TV stimulates people to eat more calories.
- Stress– Time pressures – whether for school, work, or family obligations – often lead people to eat on the run and to sacrifice sleep, both of which can contribute to weight gain.
“Ayurveda”- The Ultimate guide for Weight loss:
Classics explain obesity under the umbrella of sthaulya. The major treatment focuses on Shodhana (Purificatory measures) and Shamana procedures (Internal medications). Virechana (Detox therapy), ensures healthy weight loss by eliminating the bodily toxins. The dietary routine during the phase of detox acts as an intermittent fasting and thereby helps in weight reduction. The commonly used medicines for snehapana, like- Varunadi ghrita, triphala ghrita etc are mainly hypolipidaemic in nature. The specified diet(Satvik diet) is mainly low calorie and low in glycaemic index. All of these together constitute for weight loss.
Certain external therapies like powder massage helps in the absorption of effusions, relief of blood stasis and carrying away the morbid products in the system. Deep pressure massage (Mardana) helps in the interchange of tissue fluids by increasing the circulation in the superficial vein and lymphatics and ultimately aiding in lipid peroxidation. Yoga is not an arduous task that demands a lot of your energy but simple poses or asanas can help speed up your metabolism and help you shed some extra pounds without equipment and memberships to classes. With no side effects, it is also a natural and safe way to approach weight loss and obesity. Pranayama techniques increase the lung capacity and help burning fats. Regular practice of Pranayama brings balance in the system in terms of Physical and Mental functions.
Wrap up-
Present day stress and lifestyle changes lead to increasing incidence of weight related issues which further make way for cardiovascular diseases and other systemic illnesses.Appropriate long-term solutions are available in classics in terms of therapies and medicines. These also improve the overall health and enhance immunity. Provided, a regular physical activity and diet can make your weight loss journey pleasant![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Give me more details of weight loss program. Duration and charges for the same ! I need atleast 25 kgs weight loss