Ayurveda Treatment for PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome)

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Treat PCOS through Ayurveda

A 26 year old lady walked into Shathayu Ayurveda to consult for her worsening acne and weight gain. She had missed 4 cycles in the last 6 months and had gained more than 8 kilos. She also complained of increasing facial hair growth. Blood test showed elevated fasting blood sugar while the scan confirmed PCOS. Since then she took treatment in Shathayu and lost weight and showed remarkable changes .Her Cycles got regularized and there was a lot of improvement in her existing complaints.


So what is PCOS?

polycystic ovarian disease is a complex heterogeneous disorder of unknown etiology. It affects 1 in 10 women. It is a condition in which patients have multiple cysts in their ovaries that occur due to disruption in the normal menstrual cycle. Ovaries get enlarged and produce excess amounts of androgen and estrogen. These hormones interfere with the growth and release of the eggs from the ovaries leading to anovulatory cycles and irregular menstruation.

PCOS  symptoms in a woman:

  • Menstrual abnormalities like infrequent, irregular or absence of menstrual cycles. Some also present with frequent cycles.
  • Infertility
  • Acne, hirsutism (male pattern hair growth on face and chest), hair fall from scalp or alopecia due to high levels of masculinizing hormones.
  • Metabolic disturbances leading to obesity, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism etc.
  • Some patients also end up in psychological disorders like depression and anxiety due to personal stress and stress from the family.

Losing weight with PCOS is a difficult task and needs a proper guidance and follow up. It is observed that losing just 5% of the weight helps to bring the hormones in balance and thus regularize the cycles. Shathayu Ayurveda has excellent pcos treatment plan from 30 to 90 days which includes Panchakarma procedures along with therapies which bring in a sustainable effect thereby reversing the ill effects of PCOS and helps in weight loss. PCOS treatment in Ayurveda also includes  advice about the right diet and lifestyle modifications by our doctors as per severity and individual needs required to regain your health with PCOS.

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